Home Episode Summaries Season 1 There's No Place Like Springfield: Part II
"Very iffy."
- Xamot (examining Shipwreck's health after a intense interrogation session)
The blob carries Shipwreck down a slide, floats down a sewer stream
and delivers Shipwreck on his front yard. Shipwreck awakens, grabs his
head and begins to scream loudly. Mara and Althea, Shipwreck’s daughter,
rush out of the home and are horrified when Shipwreck tells them to put
him back in the hospital. While Althea cries next to her mother, Mara calls
Doc and tells Polly, who aggravated Shipwreck with his “funny farm” comments,
flies away and reports to Doc as well. Doc tells Polly to go make his report.
Flying to the carwash and into Cobra Commander’s office, Polly shouts “Cobra”
and tells Cobra Commander that Shipwreck’s mental state is deteriorating,
then taps a button with his beak.
On a screen, they watch Doc lead Mara out of the hospital room and tell
her to go home and rest, and that he will call her once they run more tests.
Cobra Commander congratulates Polly, known as P9. Doc leads two men to
an interrogation room and orders them to place Shipwreck on table, however,
before he can start the procedure, the Crimson Guard Commanders tell him,
“Don’t touch that dial.” They explain that Crimson Guard cadet Demming
will perform the interrogation and consider the experience valuable to
her training.
Turning on a machine that produces large and bright shapes in the air,
cadet Demming walks Shipwreck through his past. Growing up in the shadow
of a San Diego Navy shipyards, Shipwreck wanted nothing more than become
a sailor and even lied that he was seventeen so he could join at the age
of sixteen. Traveling from Southeast Asia to the Florida Keys, Shipwreck
saw the world as he fought river pirates and smugglers. And he met the
Joes in a desert and joined them, and while serving on the Joe team, he
traveled to an island in the South Pacific and met Dr. Mullaney.
Cadet Demming asks what Dr. Mullaney told Shipwreck, however, the Joe
explains that he doesn’t know. The Crimson Guard Commanders order cadet
Demming to turn the interrogation machine up to full power and Doc shouts
that they shouldn’t make the adjustment since both Shipwreck and Demming’s
brains could be damaged. The twins turn to one another, agree Doc is defective
and melt him before ordering two Cobra agents to scoop up his melted remains
and taking him away to be reconstituted. Demming then turns the machine
up to full power as per the orders of the Crimson Guard Commanders.
As ghostly images of Cobra Commander, the Baroness, Destro and Polly
float in the air, Demming leaps onto the table and demands the information
from Shipwreck who yells that he can’t reveal anything without a code word
and that he doesn’t know the word. The holographic-interrogation machine
shows the USS Flagg splitting and blowing up, and Shipwreck screams that
only Lady Jaye knows the password and she is dead.
Demming yells that Shipwreck is a liar and then falls to floor unconscious
as the machine reaches critical. The Twin walk into the room and while
Tomax checks on Demming, Xamot tells his brother that Shipwreck’s condition
is “iffy.”
Cobra Commander appears on a screen and reports that the Twins are fools
for not considering that Mullaney created a password. They explain to Cobra
Commander that they have a plan and suggest that he redouble his efforts
to find Mullaney. Pounding the control panel, Cobra Commander tells the
Twins that he did not ask for their advice and he then radios the Baroness
who reports that they have not found Mullaney by air in Rattlers or by
land in Stingers, and before she can make her own suggestion, Cobra Commander
again pounds the control panel and yells for her to be silent. He points
at Polly and tells him to keep and eye on the sailor.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three