Home Episode Summaries Season 1 There's No Place Like Springfield: Part II
"Remember that night in Annapolis?"
- Polly (after Shipwreck suspects Polly as a synthoid)
In his office, Cobra Commander learns that the Twins have programmed
a computer to repeat every word in the Unabridged Oxford English Dictionary.
Cobra Commander is flustered by the slowness of their approach and leaves
to visit Destro in order to find out if he has made any progress Shipwreck
awakens, climbs out of bed and splashes his face with water - and the gray
in his beard is washed away. “What in the name of Nimitz?” Shipwreck mutters.
Polly asks what is wrong, but Shipwreck splashes more water on his hair
and washes even the gray out of his hair.
Hearing footsteps, Shipwreck climbs back into bed and a nurse hands
him a glass of milk. He thanks her but then looks at the glass and tells
her, “No thanks!” He wraps his arm around her neck and forces her to drink
the milk. Polly attacks him and he asks whose side he is on, but another
Polly enters the room, shouts “Yo Joe” and bumps the attacking Polly against
a wall, then melts the creature. After placing the sedated nurse in a bed,
Shipwreck dresses and realizes that Cobra must have saved him from the
SHARC and has been trying to pull Dr. Mullaney’s information out of his
Polly, he realizes, must have been following Shipwreck and with each
revelation, Polly creeps along the railing on the foot of the bed and tells
Shipwreck that he is getting warmer. As he leaves his room, Shipwreck concludes
that Mara is on Cobra’s side, which infuriates him.
He then grabs Polly, who is sitting on his shoulder, and tells Polly
to prove that he is not a phony. “Remember that night in Annapolis?” asks
Polly. Shipwreck immediately releases Polly and tells him that he is convinced,
and he rushes down the hallway determined to find out the truth even if
it kills him.
As soon as Shipwreck catches sight of the carwash, he runs inside and
jumps off of the trapdoor, but he falls to the ground. As the Dreadnoks
fight with three small synthoid creatures, Zartan explains to several Cobra
agents that the synthoids are made out of a substance known as pseudo-plasm.
Leading the group to a row of glass chambers, Zartan informs the group
that the meltdown of a synthoid once meant its destruction, however, Cobra
is now able to reconstitute the material into a new person, who is identical
to the original.
A Tele-Viper radios that the Rattler squadron under the command of the
Baroness is cleared to land on Temple Alpha, an island known as Springfield.
But while Shipwreck sneaks around the base, he trips an alarm and runs
from one room to another while pursued by Crimson Guards. Shipwreck knocks
a scientist to the ground and causes him to drop a beaker filled with a
chemical that eat away all of his hair, then rushes into a room where synthoid
planes fly in the air.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three