Great. Just great. Over eleven million square miles of Africa to choose from and I gotta pick a Cobra used car dealership.
  -- Slipstream (while parachuting to a Cobra base)
Home Videos Rhino - VHS Box Set 3

"Captives of Cobra (Parts 1 & 2)," "The Traitor (Parts 1 & 2)," "The Spy Who Rooked Me" & "Sink the Montana"
Release Date:
June 20, 2000
Rhino - VHS Box Set 3
· Volume 7
· Volume 8
· Volume 9

Jan 25: G.I.Joe Examined on Podcasts
Jan 25: Buzz Dixon Interview
Jan 25: Paulsen Annie Nomination & Dini on Batman Comic
Jan 12: Sgt. Slaughter Signing in Atlanta
Jan 11: G.I.Joe to Return on G4
Dec 30: Paramount Movie Reviewer Plugs
MORE (formerly is an unofficial G.I.Joe website. G.I.Joe and all related characters and vehicles are trademarks of Hasbro. All images, sound and movie clips of G.I.Joe within this site are used with the kind permission of Hasbro. All other images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are presented for only for the purpose of review.