Great. Just great. Over eleven million square miles of Africa to choose from and I gotta pick a Cobra used car dealership.
  -- Slipstream (while parachuting to a Cobra base)
Home Videos Family Home Entertainment - Volume Eleven

"Jungle Trap"
Approximate Release Dates:
July 15, 1986 - VHS (striped)
1986 - VHS (oversized)
Family Home Entertainment - Volume Eleven
· US first season opening sequence
· "Jungle Trap" (~21 minutes 7 seconds)
· US first season closing sequene
· Safety tip: Deep Six advises some kids to get out of a lake as a lightning storm begins to gather in the sky, otherwise, they could be electrocuted
· FHE opening sequence for commercials
· Commercial with clips from G.I.Joe (16 seconds of the "MASS Device" opening sequence; clips from "Countdown for Zartan," "Cobra's Creatures," "Red Rocket's Glare," "Cobra Stops the World" and "Satellite Down"; 7 seconds from the "MASS Device" opening sequence)
· Commercial for "Lights, Camera, Cobra" [sic] (FHE - Vol. 9)
· Commercial for "The Funhouse" (FHE - Vol. 10)

· Credit was given to Paul Dini as the writer of the show
· The measurements of the oversized box, which has a silver label with green writing like the slipcase release, are 9" x 5.75" x 1.5" and was packaged inside a black plastic tray
· The back of the box noted that the design of the box was created by The Art Department and that the illustrations were by Steve Vance and Bill Black
· The red, white and blue striped video package was released in the FHE Holiday Two-Pak

Jan 25: G.I.Joe Examined on Podcasts
Jan 25: Buzz Dixon Interview
Jan 25: Paulsen Annie Nomination & Dini on Batman Comic
Jan 12: Sgt. Slaughter Signing in Atlanta
Jan 11: G.I.Joe to Return on G4
Dec 30: Paramount Movie Reviewer Plugs
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