Home Episode Summaries Season 1 Red Rocket's Glare
"Bugs and snakes and jungle - this job ain't fun any more."
- Roadblock (marching through a jungle with Recondo and Blowtorch)
Scurrying through the jungle, a tribesman drops a component with a Cobra
emblem and continues to run from Roadblock, Recondo and Blowtorch. The
Joes rest for a moment as the Bridgelayers roll forward. The tribesman
crosses a gulch with the aid of an extending bridge, dashes inside and
falls to the ground exhausted and Destro berates him for arriving late
again. However, Destro considers himself in a generous mood and offers
to keep the gold but spare the tribesman’s life, and the bone-weary runner
is dragged away.
Recondo stamps the ground near the ravine and orders Tollbooth to extend
the Bridgelayer’s portable bridge so that the Joes can attack. Explosions
rip apart the walls of Destro’s base and the Joes launch their assault.
Roadblock and Recondo provide cover fire for Blowtorch as he sets boxes
on fire, which nearly collapse on top of several Cobra agents.
Blowtorch hops over the boxes and runs into the temple, where Destro
places the final component, which was brought by the Tribesman earlier,
into a warhead. Bursting into the lab, Blowtorch incinerates the shelves,
forcing the Cobra agents to flee, however, Blowtorch fails to capture Destro,
who escapes via a swiveling panel in the wall.
Crestfallen, Blowtorch shuffles out and down the steps of the temple
and is greeted by Recondo and Roadblock. After recounting his failure,
Roadblock cheers him up and helps him out of his gear. Patting him on his
back, Roadblock walks with Blowtorch out of the base as Recondo adds that
at least Cobra can no longer use the base.
Destro guides a Cobra Flight Pod above a construction site, where Cobra
agents are building a town in the middle of a jungle. Walking into a room
filled with light, Destro explains to Cobra Commander, Tomax and Xamot,
that the Photon Disintegrator, which took two years to build, is safe and
ready to be used by Cobra.
Meanwhile, Recondo and Roadblock speed along a highway in a military
jeep and relish in their good fortune - two weeks off for a job well done
in the jungle. Recondo suggests that they stop at a Red Rocket dinner,
but Roadblock refuses and tells his friend that in one hour they will arrive
at his Uncle Caleb’s restaurant. When the Joes find Uncle Caleb’s diner,
they discover that he has purchased a piece of the Red Rocket chain. Shocked,
by the sight of the restaurant, Roadblock steps inside and mimics the waving
cardboard man as he greets his Aunt Sarah and Uncle Caleb, who are lamenting
that all they have left are bills. After Roadblock insists that they call
him by his code-name and not as Marvin, he introduces his “snickering ape”
of a friend, Recondo, and hears about their woes with the bikers carrying
ray guns.
Suddenly, the biker gang appears and begins to circle and shoot the
kids hanging around outside. The Joes run outside and attack the bikers.
Since the bikers did not expect to encounter any Joes, they retreat, and
Roadblock threatens to slap the gang on a hamburger bun and server them
for lunch if they come back. Inside the restaurant, Recondo and Roadblock
wonder why the gang would attack the restaurant and are also curious where
the bikers got their guns.
As a plane flies above Extensive Enterprises, the Crimson Guard piloting
the plane informs Tomax and Xamot that he is above their office and is
ordered not to land since the twins will simply step out. The rear exit
door flies off the plane and the Crimson Guard Commanders jump out and
land on the rooftop. They enter the elevator and as they travel from the
29th floor to the 22nd, they change out of their Cobra costumes and into
their suits.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three