Home Episode Summaries Season 1 Cobra's Creatures
"Yes. Odd, isn't it, how time flies?"
- Cobra Commander (replying to Ripcord's questions about Mutt's promised time to escape)
Ripcord, Flint, Mutt, with Junkyard in tow, level their Skystrikers
at 40,000 feet before hanging a left at the corner of wild blue and yonder.
As the Joes prepare for their jump, Mutt asks Flint if the CCC (Canine
Corps 'Chute) will work. Flint reassures Mutt that it will, but Mutt wonders
if Junkyard will get his money back if it doesn't. Ripcord and Mutt lock
in their auto-pilot switches with Flint's plane so he can guide their Skystrikers
home and the Joes eject from their planes.
Flint flies the three planes under a cloud but radios Breaker, who is
on terra firma, that he has lost and wonders if they have caught sight
of their teammates. Replying with a negative response, Flint order the
Joes to scramble as four Cobra helicopters fly out a cloud with a net that
is attached to the 'copters and has snared the Joes.
At a small castle that lacks the usual showy Cobra architecture and
decor, Cobra Commander tells Doctor Lucifer that he is very interested
in his latest invention, but wishes to make certain that it will work.
"Have I ever failed you, Cobra Commander?" Doctor Lucifer asks. "No, scientist,"
says Cobra Commander,"and that is why you still live. To fail me is fatal."
Lucifer explains that his high frequency weapon (Hi-Freq for short, Lucifer
adds) will allow Cobra to conquer the world, and the weapon can be purchased
by Cobra Commander for a price - the freedom of woman he loves, Dr. Attila,
who is held in Stonehall prison.
The Joes are brought into Cobra Commander's chamber and Mutt is kicked
and thrown to the ground as he struggles with his captors. Junkyard barks
and attempts to attack the Cobras, but Mutt tells him to stay away from
the Cobra agents, otherwise, Junkyard will get rabies. Cobra Commander
orders a demonstration of Dr. Lucifer's invention, so he programs Hi-Freq
and shoots Junkyard. Mutt offers and threatens that Cobra can mess with
his mind but nobody messes with Junkyard. The Cobra captors swat the Ripcord
and Mutt before shoving them to the ground. "Get tough, Junk," Mutt cries
on the ground.
Cobra Commander decides to have some sport and releases Mutt with a
promise a five minute headstart before Junkyard will begin to hunt him
down. Dr. Lucifer turns a dial and shoots Junkyard again while ordering
to hunt down his master. Junkyard is released and Ripcord asks Cobra Commander
about the five minute headstart and Cobra's leader simply replies with
a laugh, "Yes. Odd, isn't it, how time flies?" Ripcord is knocked unconscious
and taken to Lucifer's dungeon while Cobra
Commander seals the bargain for Hi-Freq with Dr. Lucifer.

As Mutt rests from his sprint from the castle, he tells himself that
the situation is some sick joke. No one could turn his pal against him,
least of all some "blame machine." But Junkyard leaps out of the brush
and rushes toward Mutt with a snarl and a mouth filled with sharp teeth
that are ready to chomp. But Mutt dodges his attack and Junkyard bumps
into a tree.
Meanwhile, Cobra Commander recruits his animal army with the help of
the console in Dr. Lucifer's castle and agents in the field, and lions,
whales and locusts are bewitched by Hi-Freq. The lions chase oil workers
from a plant and whales cause oil tankers to stop in the middle of the
ocean. The locusts are sucked into the engines of two G.I.Joe Sky Hawks
and cause them to crash. As one generic Joe pilot remarks that they are
driving him buggy, Wild Bill attempts to shoot the locusts, however, there
are too many so he waits until the locusts leave and rescues the pilots
before they "bug out."
Part One - Part Two - Part Three