Need a lift, sweetheart?!
  -- Flint (before rescuing Lady Jaye in a Cobra FANG)
Home Episode Summaries Season 1 Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent

"Don't consider that a compliment. We're not in Turkey."
- Alpine (after eating his dinner and burping)

Cutter points out that Pine Tree Cove, a small island in an ocean, is directly ahead and explains to Alpine and Bazooka that he will land and fix the WHALE's engine. Bazooka, who is sitting on the side of the Joe hovercraft, stands up quickly and exclaims that he caught something with his fishing line. He asks Alpine for help, however, the line breaks and Bazooka falls back onto the WHALE. Cutter lands on the beach and orders Bazooka to clean the fish and Alpine to gather firewood. "Firewood?" Alpine asks. "You could cook those guppies over a match," he says, holding the small fish in the air.

Cutter compliments Bazooka's cooking skills and Alpine merely burps. "Don't consider that a compliment," Alpine says. "We're not in Turkey." Cutter leaves the campfire to work on the WHALE's engine while Bazooka takes the dishes to the water in order to clean them. Fireflies dance around Bazooka's head, but a Trubble Bubble flies over the water and is swallowed by a large sea serpent. Bazooka calls the other Joes over to look at the Trubble Bubble, however, by the time they arrive there is nothing to see since the sea serpent has slipped back under the water. Alpine asks his friend with the bubblegum brain to give him a break and Cutter pats Bazooka's shoulder and tells him that his imagination was running overtime.

On the other side of Pine Tree Cove, Cobra Commander stands inside a Cobra base and tells Tomax and Xamot that Professor Braxton was foolish to try to escape and has been captured by the sea serpent. The Crimson Guard Commanders explain that they are not impressed.

As Bazooka tells the other Joes that he thinks the sea serpent broke his line, Cutter states that he sees some wreckage on the horizon, and as soon as he brings the WHALE along the side of a destroyed boat, Bazooka jumps into the water and helps the boy and his parents onto the WHALE. Cutter tells the boy that the Joes have a doctor on the U.S.S. Flagg and the boy asks, "G.I.Joe's aircraft carrier?" Bazooka, who is looking at the boy, simply tells him, "Yup." "Wow," the awestruck boy replies.

While the boy's parents are taken to the infirmary, Alpine is told by Cutter to not let anyone touch the WHALE's engine, and Alpine merely asks, "Who'd want to?" Bazooka leads the boy to the control room and Duke asks the boy, who he addresses as Jimmy, if he could explain what happened to his family. Jimmy explains that last night his dog Bucky was on the deck of the ship and barking loudly so he and his parents got out of bed and ran to see what was wrong. As they looked in the sea, they saw a long shadow pass under the boat and the next thing that happened the boat was attacked. With half of the boat missing, Jimmy and his parents clung to the boat until the Joes arrived. Bucky, Jimmy's dog, was missing so Jimmy can only assume that Bucky was also swallowed by whatever passed underneath the boat.

Bazooka tries to console Jimmy and Duke tells Jimmy that he is the best eyewitness the Joes have found. Confused and surprised by the news of other attacks, Alpine is told by Duke that five other ships have been attacked and that the Joes don't have a clue about the identity of the attacker. Alpine jabs his elbow into Bazooka and jokingly asks his friend to tell Duke about his sea serpent tale. Duke tells Alpine to can the comedy, orders Bazooka to put Jimmy to bed and then orders Lady Jaye and Quick Kick to take a Skystriker into the air and see if they can spot the attacker.

Five business men sit around a table on the patio of a yacht club and restaurant and complain about the attacks on their ships and express their disbelief that the pirates wish to meet in the open. One of the business men points at a pair of water skiers nearby and states that they are quite unusual. The skiers glide toward the business men, jump into the air, remove their skis and land in front of the business men. After taking a bow, Tomax and Xamot tell the shipping line owners that if they do not wish to lose more ships, then they should wire money into Cobra's Swiss back accounts. The Crimson Guard Commanders pass out envelopes, remind them to pay on the first of every month, and as soon as Tomax stands on his brother's shoulders, Tomax grabs a bar dangling on a line from a Cobra Rattler and the two fly away.

Quick Kick and Lady Jaye receive a message from Duke that Shipwreck has stumbled across something and Duke asks if they can land on Mongo Pango's south beach. "The question is - could we resist?" jokes Lady Jaye. As the Skystriker lands and rolls toward Shipwreck, the native girl who is cooling off Shipreck with a palm tree branch runs away. Shipwreck climbs out of his hammock, stretches and yawns before handing Quick Kick and Lady Jaye each a coconut and telling them, "I should have known that you two would show up before nap time." After explaining that resting and relaxation were the witch doctor's orders, Shipwreck leads the Joes to a small boat and they set sail to the other side of the island. Climbing to the top of a tree, Quick Kick, Lady Jaye and Shipwreck find a boat with a pirate flag, and Quick Kick and Lady Jaye swim to the boat and climb aboard.

Part One - Part Two - Part Three

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