Home Staff Steve Gerber
Comics |
· Avengers Spotlight #30-34, 36 (Marvel)
· Avengers #178 (Marvel)
· Blade 2: Bloodhunt comic adaptation (Marvel)
· Book of the Dead #3, 4 (Marvel)
· Breakthru #2 (Malibu)
· Captain America #157, 221-223, 225 (Marvel)
· Cloak and Dagger #14-16 (Marvel)
· Codename: Strikeforce #10, 14 (Image)
· Crazy #2-7, 10-14 (Marvel; #3 reprinted in #64; #6 reprinted in #67; #12 "The Great 'What am I Doing Here' Test" created with Mary Skrenes; #13 "How to Gang-up on Your Hang-ups" created with Martin Pasko and Mary Skrenes)
· Creatures on the Loose #28, 29 (Marvel)
· Cyberforce/Codename: Strikeforce - Opposing Forces #1 (Image)
· Cybernary #1-5 (Image)
· Daredevil #97-101, 103-117 (Marvel)
· DC Comic Presents #97 (DC)
· Deathblow #3, 4 (Image)
· Defenders Annual #1 (Marvel)
· Defenders #20-29, 31-41 (Marvel; #36 co-written with Mary Skrenes)
· Destroyer Duck #1-5 (Eclipse)
· Dracula Lives! #1, 6, 10, 11
· Eclipse the Magazine #1 (Eclipse)
· Eclipse the Magazine #2 (Eclipse; continued in Total Eclipse #3) · Essential Howard the Duck trade paperback (Marvel; reprints Howard the Duck #1 - #27, Marvel Treasury Edition #12 & Giant-Size Man-Thing #4 & #5)
· Exiles #1-4 (Malibu)
· Fear #11-19, 21-25 (Marvel)
· Flash #310-313 (DC)
· Foolkiller #1-10 (Marvel)
· Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street #1,2 (Marvel)
· Giant-size Defenders #3-5 (Marvel)
· Giant-size Man-Thing #1-5 (Marvel)
· Howard the Duck #1-27, 29 (Marvel)
· Howard the Duck #1-6 (Marvel, 2002)
· Howard the Duck Annual #1 (Marvel)
· Hulk #158 (Marvel)
· Iron Man #56-58 (Marvel)
· Iron Man Annual #3 (Marvel)
· Kiss Nation (Marvel)
· Legion of the Night #1,2 (Marvel)
· Man-Thing #1-22 (Marvel)
· Marvel Comics Presents #1-12, 60-67 (Marvel)
· Marvel Comics Super Special #1 (Marvel)
· Marvel Fanfare #56-59 (Marvel)
· Marvel Graphic Novel #11: "Void Indigo" (Marvel)
· Marvel Presents #3-7,9 (Marvel)
· Marvel Preview #12, 16 (Marvel)
· Marvel Spotlight #14-23
· Marvel Treasury Edition: Howard the Duck #12 (Marvel)
· Marvel Treasury Edition: Hulk #17 (Marvel)
· Marvel Two-in-One #1-4, 6-9 (Marvel)
· Metal Men #45 (DC)
· Midnight Sons Unlimited #9 (Marvel)
· Mister Miracle #23-25 (DC)
· Nevada #1-6 (DC/Vertigo)
· Omega the Unknown #1-6, 9-10 (Marvel)
· Original Ghost Rider #19 (Marvel)
· Phantom Zone #1-4 (DC)
· Pitt #9 (Image)
· Quack! #2 (Star Reach)
· Rampaging Hulk #7-9 (Marvel)
· Shanna the She-Devil #1, 4, 5 (Marvel)
· She-Hulk #10, 11, 13-23 (Marvel)
· Sludge #1-4, 6-11 (Malibu)
· Sludge: Red X-Mas #1 (Malibu)
· Spoof! #3,4 (Marvel)
· Stewart the Rat (Eclipse; About Comics LLC, 2002)
· Sub-Mariner #58-69 (Marvel)
· Suburban She-Devils #1 (Marvel)
· Supernatural Thrillers #5, 7 (Marvel)
· Superman: Last Son of Earth #1, 2 of 2 (DC)
· Superman: Last Stand on Krypton (DC)
· Tales of the Zombies #1, 2, 5, 6 (Marvel)
· Tales of the Zombies Annaul #1 (Marvel)
· Total Eclipse #3 (Malibu)
· Vampire Tales #1,6 (Marvel)
· Winter's Edge #1 (DC/Vertigo; wrote one of the stories in the anthology)
· Winter's Edge #2 (DC/Vertigo; wrote one of the stories in the anthology)
· Void Indigo #1,2 (Marvel/Epic)
· Web of Spider-Man Annual #4 (Marvel)
· Weird War Tales #80 (DC)
· WildC.A.T.S Special #1 (Image)
TV & Movies |
· Dungeons and Dragons: "Prison Without Walls"
· Dungeons and Dragons: story editor
· Howard the Duck (1986): writer *
· The New Batman / Superman Adventures: "Beware of the Creeper" (script; story by Rich Fogel); "Critters" (created story); "Father's Day" (co-written with Mark Evanier), "Love is a Croc," "World's Finest" (co-created story with Alan Burnett; co-wrote three-part teleplay with Stan Berkowitz, Alan Burnett, Rich Fogel and Paul Dini)
· Superman (Ruby Spears, 1988): "The Last Time I Saw Earth"
· The Transformers: story editor (Season III)
· Yu-Gi-Oh: English adaptation
[ * Source: Internet Movie Database ]
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Books |
· BBSs for Dummies (1995, IDG Books Worldwide)
Notes |
· Official website: SteveGerber.com
· From Carsten Larsen:
Mr. Gerber served as the editor for Crazy during the early run of the series, edited most of the issues in the Howard the Duck comic book series (including #28) and wrote the "Howard the Duck" newspaper feature, which appeared during the week and in the Sunday papers. Stan Lee’s Soapbox on the Bullpen Bulletins page inside Marvel’s comic books dated "September, 1977" states: "Starting Monday, June 6, Howard the Duck will burst forth like a meteor from the comic pages of newspapers from coast to coast."
"I can’t vouch for the accuracy of this starting date though all I've seen supports it, but on page 11 of The Comics Journal # 40 (June, 1978) was this story under the heading 'Gerber Off "Howard" Strip': 'Beginning with the April 14th installment, the Howard the Duck strip will be written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by Alan Kupperberg. Steve Leialoha was considered for the strip, but begged off because of other duties. The first storyline under Wolfman will be a Close Encounters of the Third Kind spoof. According to Stan Lee, the strip now only appears in "about 40" papers, as opposed to the 400 the Spider-Man strip boasts.' This is followed by a paragraph telling of Kupperberg, not dealing with Gerber. I don’t think I have any record of how long the strip lasted after Gerber left, but it’s my impression that it soon went out with a whimper. Anyway, the gist of this is that Gerber’s tenure was from June 6, 1977 through April 13, 1978."
"The last 6 issues of The Menomonee Falls Gazette (an absolutely wonderful compilation of newspaper comics!), # 227-232, carried both daily and Sunday versions - according to a listing in "The Comic Reader" which was published by the same company, Street Enterprises. After merging with the 'Gazette', TCR carried both version in # 164-168. The reason for ceasing to print the strip was given thusly in a TCR message on page 50 of #169: '...we’ve been legally asked to cease printing. Despite our belief that we retain the right to print a comic strip that we have already paid for, Marvel’s legal people have demanded that we stop, return all proofs (even those we have printed) and implicitly prevented us from ever using Conan, Hulk or Spider-Man strips in these pages.' How d’ya like them apples?"
"The Comics Journal also carried the strip - but only the Sundays - in # 37-40: 3 pages in #37 & 38, and only one in each #39 & 40 which were even printed in reverse order.
All "Howard" material in the Gazette, TCR & TCJ was written by Gerber, and though I don’t own the Gazettes they presumably started with the first strip, at least TCJ did (only with the first Sunday)."
"To be specific: June 12+19+26 is in TCJ #37, July 3+10+17 is in #38, July 31 is in #39, and July 24 is in #40. The Comic Reader #164 contains August 29 - September 4, #165 Sep. 5-11, #166 Sep. 12-18, #167 Sep. 19-25, and finally #168 Sep. 26 - Oct. 2. This would suggest that there are 12 weeks prior to TCR's first strip, but it was only in 6 issues of the Gazette, and it was ordinarily the Gazette's policy to print one week's worth of every strip in every issue, so either they made an exception with 'Howard the Duck', or they didn't start at the beginning. I couldn't tell which possibility is the most likely! I wouldn’t rule out that the strip has been reprinted elsewhere, but I haven’t heard about it!"
"In a sidebar to an interview with Gerber in The Comics Journal #41 Gerber writes, in part, 'I was dismissed from the "Howard the Duck" newspaper strip in a manner which violated the terms of my written agreement with Marvel. Marvel was advised that I was contemplating legal action which would likely result in my ownership of the Howard the Duck character and all rights therein. As a consequence of the notice given Marvel by my lawyers, the company chose to terminate my contract on the comic books as well. Marvel’s action was not unanticipated, and my only regret is that, for a while at least, the Duck and I will be travelling separate paths.' "
"Finally, I’ve managed to find something more solid on Gerber’s other scripting for newspaper strips, this being from page 9 of The Comic Reader # 173 (October 1979): 'The September 10th episode of "Star Wars" began a new story written by Steve Gerber, with Russ Manning illustrating and editing. A Roy Thomas story will follow Gerber’s.' "
Below are some details about the comics written by Steve Gerber:
· Captain America # 225: "Devastation!", 17 pp.
· Crazy #2: "Correspondence School Ads You’ve Never Seen", 3 pp. + "College Bulletins of the Future", 3 pp.
· Crazy #3: "Rock’n’Rollin’ Stone" (reprinted in # 64)
· Crazy #4: "Just Plain Folks", 2 pp.
· Crazy #5: "Corruptive Playthings", 5 pp. (co-written with 2 others) + "Just Plain Folks", 2 pp. + "The Heck We Were! / Oozie’s Girls / Billy Jerk / The Starloose!", 4 pp.
· Crazy #6: "Man, Myrth & Magic", 8 pp. (reprinted in #67)
· Crazy #7: "Just Plain Folks", 2 pp. + "The White House Transcripts", 4 pp.
· Crazy #10: "Just Plain Folks", 2 pp.
· Crazy #11: "Crazy’s Underground Almanac", 6 pp. (co-written with 3 others)
· Crazy #13: "How to Gang-Up on Your Hang-Ups...", 5 pp. (co-written with 3 others)
· Crazy #14: "...And the Birds Hummed Dirges", 6 pp. (and the issues up until that that aren’t mentioned I just don’t have, so he probably had stuff in those, too!)
· Eclipse the Magazine #2: "Role Model", 8 pp. (continued in # 3)
· Fear #11: "Night of the Nether-Spawn!", 15 pp.
· Fear #12: "No Choice of Colors!", 15 pp.
· Fear #13: "Where Worlds Collide!", 15 pp.
· Fear #14: "The Demon Plague!", 16 pp.
· Fear #15: "From Here to Infinity!", 19 pp.
· Fear #16: "Cry of the Native!", 19 pp.
· Fear #17: "It Came Out of the Sky", 20 pp.
· Fear #18: "A Question of Survival", 19 pp.
· Giant-Size Defenders #4: "Too Cold a Night For Dying!", 30 pp.
· Giant-Size Defenders #5: "Eelar Moves in Mysterious Ways!", 32 pp.
· Giant-Size Man-Thing #1: "How Will We Keep Warm When the Last Flame Dies?", 25 pp. (a memorable story, wonderfully illustrated by Mike Ploog!)
· Giant-Size Man-Thing #4: "The Kid’s Night Out", 30 pp. + the first Howard the Duck solo story: "Frog-Death!", 9 pp.
· Man-Thing #1: "Battle for the Palace of the Gods!", 19 pp.
· Man-Thing #3: "Day of the Killer, Night of the Fool!", 19 pp.
· Man-Thing #4: "The Making of a Madman", 19 pp. (in short: Gerber wrote all issues of "Man-Thing"’s first run)
· Marvel Graphic Novel #11: "Void Indigo", 46 pp.
· Marvel Presents #9 (#8 was a fill-in!): "Breaking Up Is Death To Do!", 17 pp.
· Marvel Preview #12: "Profits Are Plunging", 16 pp.
· She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #20: "Dorkham Asylum", 22 pp.
· Sludge #1: "You Can Take the Cop Out of the Sewer...", 25 pp.
· Supernatural Thrillers #5: "The Living Mummy!", 19 pp (I know it’s the title of the series, but it’s also the only title I can find for this story!)
· Tales of the Zombie #6: "Child of Darkness!", 20 pp.
· Tales of the Zombie Annual #1: "Night of the Walking Dead" (reprinted Tales of the Zombie #1)