Home Toy Commercial Animation MOBAT (1983)
The opening scene originally appeared in the commercial for the first issue of the comic book series. If you examine the background carefully, you will notice that one of the most underrated talents of Sunbow's animation team is their ability to color a beautiful sky. The scene also contains a brief and realistic flash of explosions. |
Destro's charge into battle and the shot of Breaker and Clutch in a VAMP are from the commercials for issue #18 and #19 of the comic book series, respectively. Again, as seen with the image on the left, Sunbow did a wonderful job with the colors for the sky and adding a glow from cannon on the HISS tank. |
The rather dull scene featuring the MOBAT tank rolling by the viewer is from
the advertisement for issue #14 of the comic book series. |
Borrowed from the commmercial for issue #19, Destro retreats from his attack on G.I.Joe headquarters. As seen in the image on the left, the character design for the Cobra infantry troops feature gold suspenders, a blue face mask and blue gloves, a design that was changed to a black face mask and suspenders in the first season. The gloves were removed during the first season, however, they were black in G.I.Joe: A Real American Hero. |
This sequence is one of my favorites because the depiction of a person running has reached a fluid perfection. There are also two very powerful touches to the clip, which was recycled from issue #14: one, dirt is kicked up as Flash runs by the viewer; two, there are layers of moving objects passing by one another at a realistic pace. |
Once again, if there are any scenes that feature the MOBAT, they are recycled. Originally from issue #5, this scene features a tank smashing through Cobra Commander's monitor. If you look closely in the upper right hand corner of the screen, you can see another example of Sunbow's creativity: an early design of a Cobra Flight Pod (AKA Trubble Bubble). |